Star Wars: The Old Republic is set during a unique time period in the galaxy's history. Decades of war concluded with the Sith Empire sacking the Republic's capital planet, Coruscant, and forcing Republic Senators and the Jedi Council to agree to a painful peace treaty.
In the years following the treaty, the Jedi Council tasked Master Gnost-Dural, Keeper of the Jedi Archives, with re-examining the galaxy's history in light of recent events. In his insightful reports, Master Gnost-Dural established a new galactic timeline that became an educational reference for years to come… the very same years in which Star Wars: The Old Republic takes place.
In his first entry, Master Gnost-Dural recounts the events immediately prior to the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant - the turning point in the Republic's recent history.
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The third issue of Threat of Peace reveals the conclusion of the confrontation between Lord Angral and Jedi Master Orgus Din on Coruscant. As Lord Angral proceeds with his ruthless agenda, a desperate transmission is sent to interrupt the peace talks on Alderaan. Even as the grim reality of the situation becomes clear to Republic and Jedi leaders attending the talks, hope dwindles for the defense of Coruscant.
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