Name: Khasa Jorn
Age: 29
Gaming Experience: Hack-n-slash RPG's (diablo, sacred, ect), Dungeon Crawlers (dungeon siege, ect), Storyline RPG's (KoToR 1, 2, Neverwinter Nights 1, 2, Baldurs Gate, Mass Effect, ect), Strategy shooters (SW: Battlefront, all the Battlefield series, LoTR: Conquest, ect), all mainstream MMORPG's (Everquest 1, 2, Anarchy Online, World of Warcraft, SW: Galaxies, LoTR: Online, Warhammer Online, Age of Conan, ect), and almost all the Lucas Arts video games archives.
What you are looking for in this Guild: Dicipline, Honor, Intregrity, and dedication to one another. Organized Raiding/PvE and little PvP on the side every now and then.
Tell us a little about yourself: I am a Seargent in the US Army. I guess my occupation is killing terrorists! *grin* But I mostly play around with multimillion dollar portable sattelite systems. I live in Germany but will be moving back to the United States after my final deployment to Iraq.
Do you consider yourself an active player, if so please tell us how much time per week you plan on being online: I will be as active as the Guild Master wants me to be. I believe in Duty, (such as my occupation tells), and my weekly dedication will be sufficient. I consider myself a "weekend warrior," but I can throw in a couple hours most weeknights.
Glory to the Republic and long live democracy!
-Khasa Jorn