Name: Zauvalon -- I am a friend of Professor Coldheart.
Age: 27
Gaming Experience: I am the former raid leader of one of EQ's top raid guilds. I currently raid in WoW and have played since midnight of release. I have experience raiding as nearly every class. In addition to my raiding experience, I also earned the rank of High Warlord in PvP. I have experience in Vanguard, AoC and DotA (WC3). I have been playing MMOs since early 2000.
What you are looking for in this Guild: People to group with and to make new friends.
Tell us a little about yourself: If I had an unlimited source of wealth the first thing I would do is pay to have Carrot Top hunted (and killed) on an island by professional bounty hunters. If he was willing, I would have the Macho Man Randy Savage in the line up of hunters.
Do you consider yourself an active player, if so please tell us how much time per week you plan on being online: 20 hours +